
Examination of Islamic human rights in Imam Sajjad’s message on rights

The source of all rights is God, which you will not find any mention of in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, and in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, only humans are considered to have rights and they do not accept anything called God.

Hojjat al-Islam wa al-Muslimeen Qasim Shaban Nia, scholar of the field and a member of the faculty of Imam Khomeini Institute (RA), on the occasion of the anniversary of the oppressed martyrdom of Imam Zain al-Abidin, peace be upon him, has examined the issue of Imam Sajjad’s treatise on rights and its publication in the world arena.

* The need to pay attention to the scientific and political career of Imam (a.s.)

One of the points that can be seen in the political career of Imam Sajjad (peace be upon him) is the chronology and situationalism of Imam Sajjad (peace be upon him); during the lifetime of his beloved father, Imam (peace be upon him) moved in complete and absolute obedience to the Imam and guardian of his time and After the martyrdom of his father and the event of Ashura in the year 61 Hijri, Hazrat revealed the nature of the tyrannical government of his time; therefore, during the days of captivity, he played a very colorful propaganda role with Hazrat Zainab (PBUH), so that we can see according to historical reports. which came down to us from that Prophet, we should extract the political life of the Prophet and pay attention to it as a basis in the field of politics.

* The legal treatise of Imam Sajjad, peace be upon him

However, the debate that can be raised about Imam Sajjad (peace be upon him) and has very valuable content is his legal treatise, which, due to the attention to the true nature of man, contains points that modern human rights, because they did not pay attention to the true nature of man, The issues that Imam Sajjad (a.s.) said are very far away, and if Imam Sajjad’s legal treatise is taken into consideration, you will feel this difference very well.

* The difference between Western human rights and Islamic human rights

The basic difference between us and Westerners in human rights debates is in the way we look at human beings. In the West, human beings are considered to be material beings and they do not attach any importance to spiritual matters, which is one of the essentials of this type of view is the issuance of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and is indifferent to religion and religious beliefs, the only issues that are considered in this Universal Declaration are It generalizes the material and animal human.

Some of the articles considered in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights for humans are considered not only for humans but also for animals in the eyes of Islam; This is because humans and animals have some material needs in common, and in this part, the Universal Declaration of Human Rights has a lot of commonalities with the rights that Islam has drawn for animals; But Islam says that in addition to these rights that you have drawn for humans from an animal perspective, you must also consider the aspect of human humanity and draw human rights laws according to them.

* Some provisions of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights

Right to life:

In the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, the right to life is emphasized, while humans have the right to life for animals, and in our jurisprudence, a trip made for hunting without the need for hunting is a sin. Therefore, humans also have the right to life for animals. and this does not create value for humans.

The right to housing:

Also, in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, they put forward the right to housing, that Islam also recognizes the right to a suitable habitat for animals, and books have been written under the title “Animal Rights in Islam”, so according to these points, it is known It seems that the western view of human beings is an animalistic view and they only pay attention to the material aspect of man, but because Islam wants man to reach ultimate perfection, it is necessary to pay attention to the spiritual rights of man, and in the eyes of Islam, the spiritual affairs of man also find authenticity. he does.

Imam Sajjad’s treatise on rights, the crystallization of human spiritual rights

The crystallization of human spiritual rights can be found in the legal treatise of Imam Sajjad (a.s.). Centuries ago, in this treatise, the Prophet has put forward the rights that no matter how much you want to express them to the modern western societies, they cannot digest them, why? that their intellectual foundations and worldview are material.

* Examples of differences between Islamic human rights and Western human rights

A- Divine rights: For example, in the legal treatise of Imam Sajjad (a.s.), when he starts discussing rights, he places the greatest right as the right of God over his servants, but in the West, they do not attribute any right to God, rather, the highest power for legislation is man himself. And humanism or humanism is based on the fact that no one above man has the right to command, forbid, or legislate, therefore, in Western thinking and in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, man has taken the place of God.

But Imam Sajjad, peace be upon him, has this attention at the beginning of his legal treatise, and in his view, the greatest right and the greatest right; It is a right that God has towards his servants, the Prophet said: The source of all rights is God, which you will not find any trace of this in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, in this declaration only man is considered to have rights and they do not accept anything in the name of God.

B- The rights of organs and organs: After the Prophet mentions the rights of God over the servants, they set rights for human organs and organs that are the responsibility of humans, and we do not find this issue in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights either; Because their definition of human is not like this.

God says: I set rights for every part of the body, your tongue has rights over you, and if you don’t respect it, your tongue, ears, and other parts of your body will complain about you on the Day of Judgment, because you didn’t fulfill their rights.

C- The rights of deeds and actions: After this stage, His Holiness says: The things you do will also become right on your neck; For example, the right to pray must be performed in prayer; If someone does not fulfill this right, on the Day of Judgment, your actions will be blamed on you, and he can sue you, or I will say about Hajj.

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