
World Science Day in the service of peace and development

Today, November 19, is the International Day of Science in the Service of Peace and Development. Peace and development are two key issues for the world today, especially for developing countries. Peace is also the main missing element of the modern world.
We witness war every day in every corner of the world. Of course, after the Second World War, due to the introduction of the atomic bomb into the field of military armaments, the costs of the war increased so much that the world powers gave it to the meeting, because in the case of a nuclear war between 2 parties, which is easy, the third parties and life on the planet It will go to destruction. Although the war between the superpowers has stopped for the time being, proxy wars and wars between non-nuclear powers have been abundant. Africa, Latin and Central America, the Middle East, South Asia, and the Far East have always been involved in war or internal quasi-wars, the West also experienced another type of war, that is, terrorism, or by interfering in other regions of the world, it has also entered into extraterritorial war. . Previously in Vietnam and now in Iraq and Afghanistan and…
The question that arises is, what does science contribute to peace and development? The reality is that currently, science, especially experimental science, serves both war and peace. On the one hand, it serves military technologies and tools of repression, and on the other hand, it serves liberating technologies, especially in the field of information. Experimental sciences also play a dual role in development. On the one hand, social and economic gaps have increased, especially between countries, and on the other hand, the train of development and growth has been kept on its tracks. On the one hand, it provides the necessary skills and knowledge for humans to protect the environment, and on the other hand, it has exponentially increased the destructive power of humans in the environment. It is because of this dual role that the world is seeking to increase the positive role of science in strengthening peace and development and reducing its destructive role in this direction, and this goal is achievable; For several specific reasons or possibilities.
First, scientists are not the main beneficiaries of oppression and war, nor of the process of inequality caused by development. They benefit from development, but the main benefit from unequal development is taken by the owners of large capitals and world powers, therefore, scientists can direct their activity, which is the acquisition and production of science, towards peace and development, without having to worry. ; And through unity and solidarity among scientists around the world, they will not allow scientists to serve militaristic elements and powers in secret and closed rooms. Crystallization of this should take place in academic institutions. The independence of academic institutions and their connection with each other all over the world can promise the formation of a global and transnational community of scientific institutions that are relatively independent from the agendas of those in power and the military and adventurous politicians. Therefore, the institution of the university, whose science and scientific development emanates from their hearts, is able to carry out such a mission. In the past, especially in the 60s and 70s of the 20th century, scientists played important roles in terms of influencing peace processes and opposition to war, and they are still able to do this now.
Another reason is that, unlike empirical science, which may serve military domination and power, human sciences have a more liberating role, and social scientists are able to direct their knowledge and science towards issues that reduce human suffering and eliminate discrimination and Inequality and removal of ethnocentric and supremacist attitudes will lead to peace and development. This group of scientists is not less important if not more important than other scientists in terms of influence due to their less dependence on political and military powers. Another point is that if development leads to more inequality within a country or between countries, it will inevitably make relations unstable and increase the grounds for war.
Therefore, science and knowledge should serve to achieve sustainable and balanced development with the aim of reducing inequalities. Science should show how the limitation of natural and even social resources will cause war and reverse the development process. If science does not serve this aspect of development, scientists have failed to fulfill their human and moral mission. Unfortunately, the state of our society is not very satisfactory. First of all, seeking knowledge has changed the concept of obtaining a degree, which is the most vulgar type of scientism in the world. In fact, it is not scientism either, but evidenceism and anti-science. On the other hand, the independence of university institutions and scientists for the emergence of actions aimed at peace and development at the level of the country and the world is small. In addition, there is a kind of open and hidden enmity with the humanities and social sciences, which, strictly speaking, is against the very liberating and peaceful aspect of these sciences, and finally, the lack of influence of scientists in the development process and its planning is another problem.

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